74 research outputs found

    Creation of regions for dialect features using a cellular automaton

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    An issue in dialect research has been how to make generalizations from survey data about where some dialect feature might be found. Pre-computational methods included drawing isoglosses or using shadings to indicate areas where an analyst expected a feature to be found. The use of computers allowed for faster plotting of locations where any given feature had been e¬licited, and also allowed for the use of statistical techniques from technical geography to estimate regions where particular features might be found. However, using the computer did not make the analysis less subjective than isoglosses, and statistical methods from technical geography have turned out to be limited in use. We have prepared a cellular automaton (CA) for use with data collected for the Linguistic Atlas Project that can address the problems involved in this type of data visualization. The CA plots the locations where survey data was elicited, and then through the application of rules creates an estimate of the spatial distributions of selected features. The application of simple rules allows the CA to create objective and reproducible estimates based on the data it was given, without the use of statistical methods

    Elokuvan rakenne ja katsojakokemus : elokuvallisen informaation pelkistyminen ja kuvaaminen

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    Analysing Subgroups and Treatment Discontinuation in a Finnish Cohort of Patients with Neovascular AMD

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    Purpose: We aimed to study the regional detailed visual outcome and treatment discontinuation of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). Methods: Clinical records of 110 patients treated for nAMD at the sole referral centre in the Helsinki region were analysed retrospectively. The follow-up was up to the fourth year. Results: The mean visual acuity (VA) at baseline was 56.3 (SD 16.2) letters. The mean last VA at the first year was 59.7 (20.2), and the corresponding values for the second, third, and fourth years were 60.8 (20.6), 60.0 (19.0), and 59.7 (19.3). The mean difference from baseline was +3.39 (SD 14.6), +3.59 (17.6), +0.08 (18.9), and +3.08 (14.3). The number of patients declined each year, with only 51% of the patients being in treatment until the fourth year. The patients with shorter duration of follow-up tended to have a lower baseline VA, lesser gains, and an earlier decline in VA. The VA levels at the last visit were poorer in the shorter follow group. The initial VA response predicted later VA, whereas VA at baseline, age, or sex had no effect. However, the effect vanished with a longer time in treatment. Conclusions: Long-term VA stabilization was obtained in a regional material. Patients with neovascular AMD consist of cohorts with varying visual outcome and treatment time. Many of the patients benefit from the treatment for some time, however. When comparing real-world results, the outcome of the different follow-up time cohorts should be considered. This calls for new methods for analysing real-world nAMD treatment results.Peer reviewe

    Evidence for marked underutilization of insurance billing in malignant pleural mesothelioma in Finland

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    https://doi.org/10.1111/1759-7714.14146Abstract Background Substantial variation in health care costs for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has previously been identified. Materials and Methods We analyzed the changes in health care costs in MPM in Finland during 2002?2012. Finland has low-threshold public health care and a mandatory Workers' Compensation scheme that covers all occupational-related disease expenses. The costs include treatment costs for inpatients, hospice care, medication costs, rehabilitation costs, and travel costs. All costs are expressed in 2012 prices, adjusted using the consumer price index. Results A total of 907 MPM patients were included in the study. Mean duration of inpatient episodes increased 7% per year from 2002 to 2012, correlating with total costs (R2 = 0.861, p?Background Substantial variation in health care costs for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has previously been identified. Materials and Methods We analyzed the changes in health care costs in MPM in Finland during 2002-2012. Finland has low-threshold public health care and a mandatory Workers' Compensation scheme that covers all occupational-related disease expenses. The costs include treatment costs for inpatients, hospice care, medication costs, rehabilitation costs, and travel costs. All costs are expressed in 2012 prices, adjusted using the consumer price index. Results A total of 907 MPM patients were included in the study. Mean duration of inpatient episodes increased 7% per year from 2002 to 2012, correlating with total costs (R-2 = 0.861, p < 0.05). The annual total costs for treatment increased from 1.7 to 4.3 meuro during the study period and the cost per patient from 27 000 to 43 000 euro. The overall costs increased progressively by the number of procedures performed. In patients who had been compensated for occupational cause by Workers' Compensation Center, only 36% of the overall care costs were billed from the insurance company. Billing of inpatient costs was 86% in these patients. Conclusion During the study period, we found that the costs of MPM increased more than the average health care costs. This may be because of advanced diagnostic workup or more costly treatment (e.g., pemetrexed). Moreover, only one-third of all health care costs are charged to Workers' Compensation Insurance.Peer reviewe

    Lyhyen aikavälin kilpailukyvyn eteenpäin katsova arviointi

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    Tutkimus tarkastelee mittareita lyhyen aikavälin kustannuskilpailukyvylle, sen merkitystä talouskasvulle ja kykyä ennustaa talouden menestystä. Nimellinen yksikkötyökustannusindeksi on teoreettisesti perusteltu mittari. Se on keskimääräisten palkkojen muutos suhteessa tuottavuuden muutokseen. Sen antamaa kuvaa voi vääristää vientihintojen poikkeava kehitys. Tähän auttaa vaihtosuhdekorjaus. Reaalinen yksikkötyökustannus huomioi kaikkien hintojen muutokset. Normaalisti kaikki yksikkötyökustannusmittarit antavat varsin samanlaisen kuvan kustannuskilpailukyvyn kehityksestä. Jos näin ei ole, se viittaa Suomen poikkeavaan hinta- tai rakenteelliseen kehitykseen. Kustannuskilpailukyky vaikuttaa kansantalouden menestykseen, mutta vaikutuksen mittaaminen on vaikeaa. Selvitimme taloudellisen menestyksen ja kilpailukykyindikaattorien välisiä yhteyksiä Granger-kausaalisuhteiden ja VAR-mallien avulla. Granger-analyysin mukaan kilpailukykyindikaattorit ennustavat paremmin suhteutettua bruttokansantuotetta, mutta paremmin suhteuttamatonta vientiä. Indikaattorien komponenteista tuottavuudella oli palkansaajakorvauksia enemmän ennustevoimaa. VAR-mallien ennustevoima jäi toivottua vähäisemmäksi, ja ne soveltuvat lähinnä erittäin lyhyen tähtäimen ennusteissa käytettäväksi työkaluksi. Paras VAR-malli menestyi lyhyen tähtäimen ennusteissa selvästi paremmin kuin yksinkertainen autoregressiivinen malli.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Cancer morbidity and mortality after pediatric solid organ transplantation-a nationwide register study

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    Background The prevalence of malignancies after pediatric solid organ transplantation was evaluated in a nationwide study. Methods All patients who had undergone kidney, liver, or heart transplantation during childhood between the years 1982 and 2015 in Finland were identified. The inclusion criteria were age under 16 years at transplantation and age over 18 years at the last follow-up day. A total of 233 (137 kidney, 53 liver, and 43 heart) transplant recipients were enrolled. Controls (n = 1157) matched by the year of birth, gender, and hometown were identified using the Population Register Center registry. The cancer diagnoses were searched using the Finnish Cancer Registry. Results Altogether 26 individuals diagnosed with cancer were found, including 18 transplant recipients. Cancer was diagnosed at a median of 12.0 (IQR 7.8-17.8) years after the transplantation. The transplant recipients' risk for cancer was significantly higher when compared with the controls (HR 14.7; 95% CI 6.4-33.9). There was no difference for different graft types. Sixty-one percent of cancers among the transplant recipients were diagnosed at age older than 18 years. Conclusion The risk for cancer is significantly higher among young adults having undergone solid organ transplantation during childhood in comparison with population controls. Careful follow-up and attention to prevent cancers throughout adulthood are warranted.Peer reviewe

    Computed tomography in the evaluation of malignant pleural mesothelioma-Association of tumor size to a sarcomatoid histology, a more advanced TNM stage and poor survival

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    Objectives: Appropriate clinical staging of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is critical for correct treatment decisions. Newly revised TNM staging protocol has been released for MPM. We investigated baseline computed tomography (CT) characteristics of MPM patients, the new staging system and a simple tumor size (TS) assessment in terms of survival. Materials and methods: As part of our study that included all MPM patients diagnosed in Finland 2000-2012, we retrospectively reviewed 161 CT scans of MPM patients diagnosed between 2007 and 2012 in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa. TS was estimated by using the maximal tumor thickness and grading tumor extension along the chest wall. Cox Regression models were used to identify relationships between survival, clinicopathological factors and CT-findings. Results: The median length of follow-up was 9.7 months and the median survival 9.1 months. The right sided tumors tended to be more advanced at baseline and had worse prognosis in the univariate analyses. In the multivariate survival model, TS, pleural effusion along with non-epithelioid histology were predictors of poor survival. Tumor size correlated significantly with a sarcomatoid histopathological finding and several parameters linked to a more advanced TNM stage. Most patients were diagnosed with locally advanced stage, while 12 (7%) had no sign of the tumor in CT. Conclusion. In this study, we demonstrate a novel approach for MPM tumor size evaluation that has a strong relationship with mortality, sarcomatoid histology and TNM stage groups. TS could be used for prognostic purposes and it may be a useful method for assessing therapy responses.Peer reviewe